miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022

Active Pureness - Comfort Zone Skin at ONDA Salon Barcelona

¿Conoces el ritual de Active Pureness de #comfortzone ?
El final del verano está cerca, y tu piel necesita un cuidado especial frente las agresiones climatológicas y contaminación.
Con el ritual #activepurenesscomfortzone realizamos una limpieza profunda arrastrando todas las impurezas sin castigar ni dañar la piel.
Con el gel refrescamos e hidratamos en profundidad para mejorar la elasticidad y la firmeza de la piel.
No esperes más y consultarnos sin compromiso sobre los rituales que trabajamos, te van a encantar! 

Do you know the #comfortzone Active Pureness ritual?
The end of summer is near, and your skin needs special care against weather attacks and pollution.
With the #activepurenesscomfortzone ritual, we carry out a deep cleaning, removing all the impurities without punishing or damaging the skin.
With the gel we refresh and hydrate in depth to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
Do not wait any longer and consult us without obligation about the rituals we work on, you will love them! 

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#comfortzoneskincare #davinescomfortzone #salondebellezabarcelona #centrodeesteticabarcelona #ritualesdebelleza #ritualesmágicos #skincarerituals #perfectskincare #perfectskin

martes, 30 de agosto de 2022

Trenzas - Braids


Que mejor peinado veraniego que unas buenas trenzas boxeadoras! 🤩
Nos encanta!
Muchas gracias por la confianza 🥰

What better summer hairstyle than good boxing braids! 🤩

We love it!

Thank you very much for your trust.

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#braids #braidstyles #braidsbarcelona #boxerbraids #summerstyles #salondebellezabarcelona #centrodeesteticabarcelona #peluqueriabarcelona

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022

Balayage ONDA Salon Barcelona


Refresh de balayage ✨

Balayage refresh ✨

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

@davinesofficial @davinesspain 
#balayage #refreshbalayage #balayagehighlights #salonbarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #peluqueriabarcelona #centrodeesteticabarcelona #beautysaloninbarcelona #barcelonetahairsalon #thebesthairsalon

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2022

Cambio de look - New Hair style Barcelona

Necesita un cambio, atrévete a visitarnos, te asesoramos sobre la mejor opción para tu cabello y rostro, dela un corte 💇🏼‍♀️

Hair by our director Piero Zattera

You need a change, dare to visit us, we advise you on the best option for your hair and face, give it a cut 💇🏼

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#bob #bobstyle #bobstylewithwaves #barcelona #womensbobhaircut #bobhaircut #amazinghairstyles #trendinghairstyle #shortmediumbobstyle #changeyourlook #pierozattera #longtoshortmediumhairstyle #naturalresult #goodlooking #goodresult #barcelona #onda #ondasalon #bestplacestogo


viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

Cambio de look Peluqueria Barcelona


Cambio de look de rubio a un chocolate delicado del color View de #Davines, desde largo a un Bob Cut 💇🏼‍♀️

Change of look from blonde to a soft chocolate View Color of #Davines, from long length to a Bob Cut 💇🏼‍♀️


🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039

@davinesofficial @davinesspain 

#bob #bobstyle #bobstylewithwaves #barcelona #womensbobhaircut #bobhaircut #amazinghairstyles #trendinghairstyle #shortmediumbobstyle #changeyourlook #longtoshortmediumhairstyle #naturalresult #goodlooking #goodresult #barcelona #onda #ondasalon #bestplacestogo

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2022

Peluqueria y maquillaje - Hairdresser & make up

Conoce nuestro servicio integral de peluquería y maquillaje 💄💇🏼‍♀️
Para tus eventos en cualquier época del año!
Trabajamos con lo mejor para proporcionar lo máximo ☺️

Get to know our comprehensive hairdressing and makeup service.

For your events at any time of the year!

We work with the best to provide the maximum ☺

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #makeup #naturalmakeup #naturalmakeuplook #looknatural #makeuplook #makeupevents #mua #corioliss #davines #davinessalon


martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

Rubios platino - Platinum blonde

Cuanta luz 🤩

Trabajamos las decoloraciones con el máximo respeto al cabello, nos importa que luzcas espectacular tanto por fuera como por dentro 🥰

How much light 🤩

We work on discolorations with the utmost respect for the hair, we care that you look spectacular both outside and inside 🥰

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #bleachhair #whitehair #whitehaircolor #whitehaircolour #davineshair #davineshaircolor #veganhair #veganhairproducts

Lifting de pestañas - Eyelashes lift Barcelona

What is a lash lift?

Eyelash Lifting is a treatment that lengthens and creates a slight upward curve in a natural and lasting way, achieving greater length and thickness. For those who have medium or long lashes that are straight or without shape, and want to achieve a natural result, it is the perfect option!

¿Qué es un lifting de pestañas?

El Lifting de Pestañas es un tratamiento que alarga y crea una ligera curva hacia arriba de manera natural y duradera, consiguiendo mayor longitud y espesor. Para aquellas que tenéis las pestañas medias o largas per rectas o sin forma, y queréis conseguir un resultado natural, ¡es la opción perfecta

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #veganproducts #davinesvegan #comfortzoneskincare #lifftingdepestañas


domingo, 21 de agosto de 2022



Dry and dehydrated hair?

We present #momodavines, ideal for the most demanding hair in nutrition and hydration.

With the power of yellow melon extract, rich in water, vitamins and mineral salts, it gives us prolonged hydration 😊

His family is made up of:

- MOMO/shampoo

- MOMO / conditioner

- MOMO/hair potion

All available in our online store 🤩


¿Cabello seco y deshidratado?

Presentamos #momodavines, ideales para el cabello más exigente en nutrición e hidratación.

Con el poder del extracto de melón amarillo, rico en agua, vitaminas y sales minerales, nos da una hidratación prolongada 😊

Su familia está formada por:

- MOMO/champú

- MOMO/acondicionador

- MOMO/poción para el cabello

Todo disponible en nuestra tienda en línea 🤩



📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #momohair #momodavinesessentialhaircare #essentialhaircare #cabelloseshidratado #cabellosecoydañado

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Dona tu Cabello - Donate your hair

Donaciones para @officiallittleprincesstrust que nos ilusionan, muchas gracias ❤️

Donations for @officiallittleprincesstrust that excite us, thank you very much ❤️

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #donaciondecabello #cabellodonado

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2022



The secret to fresh, youthful-looking skin is perfect hydration throughout the day.

For this reason, HYDRAMEMORY formulations are a concentrate of natural extracts and high-tech ingredients that guarantee long-lasting deep hydration and effective protection of the skin barrier, ideal in all seasons.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural reserve of water in the dermis and epidermis, which represents 30% of the total water content in the skin.

However, heating, air conditioning, stress, lifestyle, and even air travel can cause significant loss of water from the skin. Restoring and protecting hydration levels throughout the day is the secret to preventing aging.

HYDRAMEMORY combines natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid in various forms to guarantee this double action every day or whenever you need it.


With innovative, fresh and rapidly absorbed “sorbet” textures, HYDRAMEMORY CREAM GEL and CREAM are ideal for young skin and hot climates.

HYDRAMEMORY SERUM is the first step towards an intensive moisturizing routine.

HYDRAMEMORY MASK (no rinse) is recommended when the skin is particularly dry and also during (or after) a plane flight.

Dermatologically tested formulas.

Clinically proven effectiveness.

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039

#centrodeesteticabarcelona #comfortzone #davines #comfortzoneskincare #comfortzone_spa  #peluqueriabarcelona #cuidadosfaciales #cuidadoscorporales #skincare #skinroutine

martes, 16 de agosto de 2022

Antes y después guau!!!! Color melocotón


Antes y después guau!!!! Color melocotón 🍑

Before and after wow!!! Peach color 🍑

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #peachbalayage🍑 #peachbalayage #peachcolor #colorpeach🍑

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022

Hair Artistic Work


Trabajo artístico, no os tenemos acostumbrados a este tipo de trabajo, pero es que no nos cerramos puertas 🤩

Artistic work, we don't get used to this type of work, but we don't close doors 🤩

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039

#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona 

#haircolorartistik #haircolor #haircolorcreation #haircolorcreative

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2022


 Con este video damos una pincelada de color de algunos de los momentos del EVENTO ONDA ARTE con la exposición del pintor Luca Zattera.

Onda Salon se caracteriza por su compromiso y promoción al arte, recogiendo cuadros tan característicos con armonías cromáticas que dan ritmo al salón y nos transmiten toda su esencia.

Otra vez más agradeceros todo el amor y compañía que nos brindasteis en la exposición. Deseamos de todo corazón que os gustara y disfrutarais del evento tanto como nosotros.

With this video we give a brushstroke of color of some of the moments of the ONDA ART EVENT with the exhibition of the painter Luca Zattera.

Onda Salon is characterized by its commitment to and promotion of art, collecting such characteristic paintings with chromatic harmonies that give rhythm to the salon and transmit all its essence to us.

Once again, thank you for all the love and company you gave us at the exhibition. We sincerely hope that you will like and enjoy the event as much as we do. 

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039

#arte #centrodeesteticabarcelona #Salondebellezabarcelona #hairdresser #galleriadarte #galeriadearte #amoralarte #Peluqueriabarcelona #barcelona #arteitalia #italianartist #artist

Hair stylist Job Barcelona


If you feel passion and see hairdressing as an expression of art, Onda Salon is your place.
We are looking for experienced hairdressers who want to join our team.
Do not hesitate to contact us!
* It is essential to speak and understand English

Send your CV: ondasalon@gmail.com

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039


#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #jobinbarcelona #jobtoday #trabajarbarcelona #speakenglish

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2022

Bronceado en Spray Tan

The Spray tan that we apply at Onda Salon is a recognized success. Do you know why?
- We apply with a diffuser that distributes the product evenly.
- Offers hydration and anti aging.
- The color offered is a natural brown, without stains or traces. It lasts approximately 10 days, depending on the type of skin and the care you perform.
We explain how to prepare the skin before, during and after tanning to look perfect.
When you arrange your visit for tanning, it is important to follow this guideline for a perfect result:
1. Exfoliate the skin at home.
2. Do not apply creams, deodorants or perfumes.
3. Bring light clothes that can be stained (when you go out you may see some tan stain, but with the washing machine it goes away without leaving a trace).
4. Once the tan is applied, it is important to dry it well.
5. Let it act for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours depending on the intensity of tan you want.
6. Do not wet your skin with sweat, water or any liquid product during this exposure period.
7. After 8 o'clock we can shower and observe the spectacular result, we just need to maintain proper hydration to keep the tan longer.

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #sunskin #creamsun #spraytan #bronceadoperfecto #bronceadosaludable #bronceadosinsol #sunhair #proteccionuv #proteccionsolarcabello #stylesummer #summerhaircolor #summerhairstyles  #wavehairstyle #wavehair #Barcelona #barcelonacity 
#centrodeesteticabarcelona #comfortzone #vegan #veganproducts #sustainablebeauty

We have prepared this video to show off this look of scandal


Hemos preparado este vídeo para lucir este look de escándalo 🤩

We have prepared this video to show off this look of scandal 🤩

Hair by our director Piero Zattera

#centrodeesteticabarcelona #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #Salondebellezabarcelona #italiansalon #barceloneta #hairtattoo #haircut #haircolorist

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2022

¡Ampliamos plantilla!


Marcamos la diferencia 😍👌

Para ello en Onda Salón ampliamos la plantilla para ofrecer lo mejor!

Sientes ese amor y pasión por la peluquería? Contáctanos al info@ondasalon.com, envíanos tu currículum y nos pondremos en contacto contigo 😊

#hairdresserjob #job #buscotrabajobarcelona #barcelona #barcelonaactiva #englishjob

Guau! Es asombroso este cambio. - Wow it’s amazing this change.

Guau! Es asombroso este cambio. Caramelos cálidos para cabellos apagados.

Wow it’s amazing this change. Warm caramels for dull hair.

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/

📧 info@ondasalon.com

📞 +34 931 87 32 36

📞 +34 633 535 039

#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #davines #highlights #highlightedhair #hairstyle #babylights #babylightshair #protectionhair #sunhair #proteccionuv #proteccionsolarcabello #stylesummer #summerhaircolor #summerhairstyles  #wavehairstyle #wavehair #Barcelona #barcelonacity #centrodeesteticabarcelona #comfortzone #vegan #veganproducts #sustainablebeauty

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2022

VOLU Essential Davines



Boring hair without volume? 😩
We give you the solution:
#Voludavines is the range of care for fine hair, without shine or volume.
At Onda Salon we have the VOLU/ Shampoo and VOLU/ hair mist, we tell you about its benefits!
✨Volu Shampoo: Gently cleanses the hair leaving it soft and light, with a lasting increase in body and volume.
✨Volu Hair Mist: 'Leave-in' volume enhancing primer for all hair types. Volumizes the hair from its base, without weighing it down, leaving it soft and shiny.
✨Tips: Towel dry damp hair. Apply a small dose on roots. Comb with volume with the head down.
Remember to protect your hair from the sun's radiation with #Suhairmilkdavines ☀️
Do you have any other tips for fine hair? Comment it!💬

¿Cabellos aburridos sin volumen? 😩
Os damos la solución:
#Voludavines es la gama de cuidados para el cabello fino, sin brillo ni volumen.
En Onda Salon contamos con el VOLU/ Shampoo y VOLU/ hair mist, os contamos sus beneficios!
✨Volu Shampoo: Limpia delicadamente el cabello dejándolo suave y ligero, con un incremento duradero de cuerpo y volumen.
✨Volu Hair Mist: Prebase potenciadora del volumen 'sin aclarado' para todo tipo de cabello. Voluminiza el cabello desde su base, sin apelmazarlo, dejándolo suave y brillante. 
✨Consejos: secar el cabello húmedo con la toalla. Aplicar una pequeña dosis en raíces. Peinar con volumen con la cabeza hacia abajo.
Recordar proteger vuestro cabello de las radiaciones del sol con #Suhairmilkdavines ☀️
¿Tienes algún otro tip para cabellos finos? ¡Coméntalo! 💬 

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#davinesformula #peluqueriabarcelona #haidresserbarcelona #hairsalonbarcelona #voludavines #sudavines #hairsummer #summerhair #summerhairtipsp

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2022

Coerción de Color


Correcciones de color, creando luz y trabajando un matiz con #viewdavinescolor. Aconsejamos hacer trabajos asertivos para esta época del año que tanto nos castiga los rayos UV del sol ☀️ 

Color corrections, creating light and working a hue with #viewdavinescolor.  We advise doing assertive work for this time of year that the sun's UV rays punish us so much ☀️

🌐 https://www.ondasalon.com/
📧 info@ondasalon.com
📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #davinessu 
#highlights #highlightedhair #hairstyle #babylights #babylightshair✨ #protectionhair #sunhair #proteccionuv #proteccionsolarcabello #stylesummer #summerhaircolor #summerhairstyles  #wavehairstyle #wavehair #Barcelona #barcelonacity 


  Todo el Equipo de ONDA Salon te desea una FELIZ NAVIDAD  🎄💫 🎅🏻 Que esta Navidad esté llena de amor, alegría y momentos inolvidables ju...