lunes, 27 de junio de 2022


At Onda we believe that art is the best interpretation of our emotions and energies, which is why we created a sponsorship commitment where we materialized it with the personal exhibition of "The colors of love" by the Italian artist Luca Zattera.
We invite you to participate in this beautiful initiative by joining us at the Mrs. Toolip Gallery in Barcelona, located at C/ d'Ausiàs March, 14, 08010 Barcelona, where the exhibition will be held next Wednesday, June 29, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and that it will be available to visit until July 5.
We will be delighted to be able to share this gift of art in its best version, with all of you.
The ONDA Salon Team


Desde Onda consideramos que el arte es la mejor interpretación a nuestras emociones y energías, es por eso, que creamos un compromiso de patrocinio donde lo materializamos con la exposición personal de “Los colores del amor” del artista italiano Luca Zattera.
Os invitamos a que seáis participes de esta bonita iniciativa acompañándonos en la Galería Mrs. Toolip de Barcelona, situada en C/ d'Ausiàs March, 14, 08010 Barcelona, donde se hará la exposición el próximo miércoles día 29 de junio de 19h a 21h y que estará disponible para visitar hasta el 5 de julio.
Estaremos encantados de poder compartir este regalo del arte en su mejor versión, con todos vosotros.
El equipo ONDA Salon

Agency Sponsor of the event: @ondasalon @ramonbilbao

#lucazattera #inauguration #firsttimeinspain #coloresdelamor #arthotel #artistlife #artistlifestyle #djukufati #mrstoolip #mrstoolipartgallery #italianpainter #barcelonaculture #barcelonagallery   #ondasalon #ramonbilbao #vernissage #topevent #angelasouloa #italy #unitedwestanddividedwefall #luxuryandco  

Event organized by @AngelaSouloa Luxury&Co

sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

Want to try something different?

Want to try something different? Go for the Intense Red Davines Hair Color.

Get this Ammonia-free, velvety, and intense hair color at Onda Salon. Here we know how to balance out sustainable beauty as our product ingredients are natural. 

Tell us in the comments what you think about this. And keep watching this space for more amazing updates.


#haircolor #intensered #hairdressers #naturalhaircolor #reddavines #hairdressingtreatments #hairextension #hairdreams #hairtransformation #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #hairstyles #longhair #hairart #ondasalon


Want a modest hair transformation? Go for Balayage and Babylights that work amazingly. With versatile placement and natural blending, Onda Salon gives you highlights for an overall brighter look.

This client wanted a natural-looking hair color, so we mixed two techniques – Balayage and Babylights to match her skin tone.
So, what do you think about this transformation? Tell us in the comments.


#Balayage #hairdressers #hairdressingtreatments #hairextension #extensions #hairdreams #hairtransformation #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #hairstyles #longhair #hairart #ondasalon

viernes, 17 de junio de 2022

Temporada de eventos…

Temporada de eventos tan reseñables como una boda.
Os dejamos una propuesta que no dejará indiferente a nadie.
Como podemos representar la actualidad con el máximo cuidado de unas ondas suaves y un toque inconfundible con la trenza 😍

Season of events as notable as a wedding.
 We leave you a proposal that will not leave anyone indifferent.
 How can we represent today with the utmost care of soft waves and an unmistakable touch with the braid 😍

📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#hairdo #braids #braidhairdo #Salondebellezabarcelona #Peluqueriabarcelona #Centrodeesteticabarcelona #italiansalon #wespeakenglish #barceloneta #bcn #barcelona #peluqueriasbarcelona #hairsalon #hairdresser #hairlove #lovebraids #hairbeauty #ondasalon #davines #davinesstylist #stylistproducts #hairdobride #hairdowedding 

jueves, 16 de junio de 2022

Tratamientos Nourishing de Davines Natural Tech

Familias y tratamientos de Naturaltech
La mejor combinación de naturaleza y tecnología.
Como apostamos por tu bienestar y belleza hoy os traemos un post informativo ya que la información es el mayor poder 🙌
Conoces #nourishing de #naturaltech ?
Es la familia de productos nutritivos, revitalizantes y de construcción para el bienestar del cuero y del cabello seco, quebradizo y dañado. 
Sus principales ingredientes activos son:
#Biacidicbondcomplex que protege, previene y recupera el daño del cabello.
#queratinavegetal con proteína de arroz y aminoácidos que llenan los espacios vacíos de nuestra queratina capilar dañada.

Recuerda que un buen uso te ofrece maravillas, pregúntanos sin compromiso que estaremos encantados de atenderte y ofrecerte el mayor poder de la naturaleza.
Os invitamos a que visitéis la web y os informéis de los infinitos beneficios de Naturaltech. 
Prevenir vale más que curar y nosotros queremos cuidar de ti ❤️

Naturaltech families and treatments
 The best combination of nature and technology.
 As we bet on your well-being and beauty, today we bring you an informative post since information is the greatest power 🙌
 Do you know #nourishing from #naturaltech?
 It is the family of nourishing, revitalizing and building products for the well-being of dry, brittle and damaged leather and hair.
 Its main active ingredients are:
 #Biacidicbondcomplex that protects, prevents and recovers hair damage.
 #vegetablekeratin with rice protein and amino acids that fill the empty spaces of our damaged hair keratin.

 Remember that a good use offers you wonders, ask us without commitment that we will be happy to assist you and offer you the greatest power of nature.

📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#hairtreatments #nourishingtreatment #davinestreatments #davines #hairnutrition #hairsalon #healtyhair #italiansalon #salondebellezabarcelona #peluqueriabarcelona #Centrodeesteticabarcelona #hairbeauty #hairsalon #peluqueria #hairlovetreatment #hairlove

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2022

Balayage & Babylights Barcelona

Want a modest hair transformation? Go for Balayage and Babylights that work amazingly. With versatile placement and natural blending, Onda Salon gives you highlights for an overall brighter look.

This client wanted a natural-looking hair color, so we mixed two techniques – Balayage and Babylights to match her skin tone.

So, what do you think about this transformation? Tell us in the comments.


#Balayage #hairdressers #hairdressingtreatments #hairextension #extensions #hairdreams #hairtransformation #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #hairstyles #longhair #hairart #ondasalon

martes, 14 de junio de 2022

Hair extensions, extensiones de cabello de la marca, the brand Hairdreams Barcelona

Want effortlessly stylish and natural hair transformation? Get hair extension by Hairdreams at Onda Salon for a thick, voluminous hair loss solution of unmatched quality. 

This client wanted a black sleek hair in full-length in no time so our experts gave her fabulous hair extensions, everything she could wish for. 

Get successful results with Hairdreams extensions, Contact us today! 


Book Online: 🌐

#hairextension #extensions #hairdreams #hairtransformation #naturalhair #barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #hairstyles #longhair #hairart ##vegan #veganproducts #ondasalon

lunes, 13 de junio de 2022

Líneas Solar SUN SOUL - Sun Line Comfort Zone Skin

TODAS LAS FÓRMULAS, dermatológicamente probadas, son ideales para los veganos y contienen hasta un 96,5% 
de ingredientes de origen natural. No contienen siliconas, parabenos, derivados animales, colorantes artificiales, 
acrilatos* ni PEG. Una gama completa para preparar, protegery aliviar la piel antes, durante y después de la exposi- ción al sol. Diferentes texturas, FPS y sistemas de administración para adaptarse a todos los tipos de piel y estilos 
de vida.
LOS ENVASES están diseñados de forma ecológica, sin componentes superfluos, y están fabricados con plástico 
100% reciclado después del consumo o con plástico derivado de recursos renovables y con papel reciclado.

ALL FORMULAS, dermatologically tested, are ideal for vegans and contain up to 96.5%
of ingredients of natural origin. They do not contain silicones, parabens, animal derivatives, artificial colors,
acrylates* or PEG. A complete range to prepare, protect and soothe the skin before, during and after exposure to the sun. Different textures, FPS and management systems to suit all skin types and styles
of life.
THE CONTAINERS are designed in an ecological way, without superfluous components, and are made of plastic
100% post-consumer recycled or with plastic derived from renewable resources and with recycled paper.

📞 +34 931 87 32 36
📞 +34 633 535 039

#barcelona #barceloneta #peluqueria #peluqueriabarcelona #italiansalon #esteticabarcelona #salondebellezabarcelona #centrodeesteticabarcelona #comfortzone #vegan #veganproducts #sustainablebeauty

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022

Iluminamos tu cabello! - Illuminate your hair!

Iluminamos tu cabello!
Que mejor momento que ahora, cuando empieza el buen tiempo en Onda Salón para aprovechar y dar un toque cálido a estos cabellos que han pasado este largo invierno! 😜✨

Illuminate your hair!
 What better time than now, when the good weather in Onda Hall to take and give a warm touch to these hairs that have gone this long winter! 😜✨

📞 +34 931 873 236
📱 +34 633 535 039
🌐 Book online

#peluqueria #peluqueriasbarcelona #salonbarcelona #italiansalon #barcelontea #peluqueriabarceloneta #balayage #balayagehair #balayageartists #estetica #salonestetica #hairdresser #hairdressing #hairstyles #hairbalayage #balayagehaircolor #haircolor #haircolour #haircolorideas #davinescolor #davinescolour #davines #davinesproducts #salondavines #davineshaircolor #veganproducts #vegansalon


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